The story begins when Sassuma Arnaa falls in love with the BirdMan who whisks her away to his eyrie to live happily together.
 Now living with her new husband Sassuma desperately misses her family and cries for them in her dreams every nights.
 Sensing her despair, Sassuma’s father brings the family to rescue her and take her home.
 Furious at his betrayal, the BirdMan conjures a storm to sink the family’s boat.  Terrified for the safety of the rest of his family Sassuma’s father has no choice but to throw her overboard in an attempt to appease the monster.
 Afraid she will drown in the stormy sea, Sassuma fights for her life and tries to climb onto the boat.  Her father cuts off her fingers to stop her from clinging on.
 Her fingers float down into the sea and become the creatures of the deep: the whales, the walrus, the seal, the dolphin…
 Sassuma herself also floats down to the bottom of the ocean and becomes The Mother Of The Sea.  Her hair becomes tangled and unable to comb her hair without fingers, she ensnares fish and unsuspecting swimmers in it’s tendrils.  She resents overfish
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